Majestic Ranch:
A Living Nightmare for Kids


The following contain the actual text of e-mails sent to Isabelle Zehnder by an employee with Child Protective Services in Utah.  Some words have been omitted for privacy reasons, but unedited text will be given to law enforcement officials upon request.

From: Wanda Lundahl [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 1:08 PM
To: Zehnder, Isabelle N.
Cc: Craig Alder; Misty Crawford
Subject: RE: Majestic Ranch

Hi Isabelle,
So sorry for not returning your calls yet. I did just try to contact you at (phone number omitted) and left a long message.  I have received legal guidelines from the Utah Attorney General's office regarding media involvement.
No media. No media. No media whatsoever.
As far as the meeting on Monday goes, I have been advised that you not attend. Of course this also includes the directive that no media attend.
The first and foremost concern is the safety of these children. Their safety is directly linked to the integrity of the investigation which, if compromised, severely decreases the possiblity of DCFS/State of Utah ever being able to significantly intervene as it relates to the myriad of concerns about the treatment of these children. When we first spoke on Monday, Jan. 31st. I had no idea that your intentions were to have the media involved in the investigation. Had I gotten that impression from you at that time, I would have immediately told you it was a bad idea (from an investigative perspective.)
Trust me Isabelle....nobody wants to shut this place down more than the Utah "team", so please do not take offense at the directive I have received from my attorneys. This does not change the fact that we are like-minded and we are all working toward the same for these children and justice done to the perpetrators.
We are all well aware that "clean up" efforts could be going on even as we speak but still, the investigation must be well planned or it will fail to have meaningful results. We (here in Utah) have all been there before with this place. We are assembling a very effective team for the sole purpose of doing all we possibly can (taking legal constraints into account) to help these unfortunate children.
The element of hope this time is that we have so much info from the inside. We actually have ex-staffers who are EAGER to assist in the investigation and are willing to testify if we are lucky enough to get enough evidence to get this thing in court. This is an edge we have never had before. I hope and pray that this investigation will be successful in exposing the horrid manner that these kids are being treated.
So, I thank you for your concern for these kids and for your efforts to assist them. Please know that we are doing all that we can to conduct an investigation that will result in shutting this place down....or at least placing them under some criteria of inspection....

So I am off to another meeting which I am late for. If you have any questions call me at (phone number omitted) and have me paged out of my meeting. Or I will call you as soon as I can.
Sincerely, Wanda Lundahl

From: Wanda Lundahl []
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 3:40 PM
To: Zehnder, Isabelle N.
Subject: RE: Majestic Ranch

Hi Isabelle,

I apologize for the delay in this response. Misty and I have been working on this case most of the day. Somehow (by the grace of God) Michelle R. (last name omitted) showed up at our office today. That is the Michelle that Kar was referring to. She brought a truckload of valuable information. Too much to write about .

She will get us the pictures you referred to earlier. Michelle will also be very instrumental in getting together the rest of the staff whom have left the ranch and want to expose the despicable way these children are being treated.

Anyway, Misty and I have put together a "team" meeting set for this coming Monday at 8AM to strategize our investigation.  All relevant agencies have been contacted and will attend the Monday meeting. We are tentatively planning on going over to the ranch on Tuesday. This is NOT carved in stone yet.

Craig Barlow's phone number is 801- (phone number omitted).  Misty's email is (omitted) Craig's email is (omitted)

I am basically putting this investigation in front of just about everything else I have going right now as I am sickened by the way these kids are being systematically destroyed. Let us pray that this will be the time that we can shut them down.

Thank you for your care and concern. Please call me if you have any questions. (phone numbers omitted)

Bye for now, Wanda Lundahl

From: Wanda Lundahl []
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 5:19 PM
To: Zehnder, Isabelle N.; Misty Crawford
Subject: Re: Majestic Ranch

Hi Isabelle,

I am actually just leaving the office right now and Misty is already gone since it is 6PM here BUT we are definitely going to coordinate this with (among others) Craig Barlow so don't worry about us just running over there unprepared. In fact, Craig B. was faxed a copy of the concerns last night before Misty and I left the office. I do know this.

If W.W. just had a bunch of people walk off the job, it is very likely that he will be on "hyper alert" mode knowing that none of the former employees have anything to lose by coming forward with their own accounts of what they have witnessed. This could mean that important evidence (like the raw sewage thing, the nailed shut windows, the lack of smoke detectors, piles of dead animals etc.) could all be being fixed even as we plan our ambush.

That is how he gets away with this kind of thing for as long as he has.  I know we have to be prepared but we can't wait too long either.

Misty and I were both swamped today but I know she discussed this with some of the agencies we want to involve. I will discuss it with her tomorrow morning and get back to you.

I also think that the more time Kar can spend over there, the better.  I know it can't be pleasant for her but "eyes on the inside" are what we have always been missing. If Kar is dedicated to the cause of shutting this concentration camp down, I would suggest she continue to work there....even while I also acknowledge how difficult that is to do.

There are 80+ kids over there living in hell who have no one to advocate for them. No one at all. That is the motivation.

Have a nice evening and I will contact you tomorrow to let you know the status of the plan.

Bye for now, Wanda Lundahl