Attorney General Alberto Gonzales sees federal role in oversight of teen boot camps
New York Attorney General Opens Investigation
    Members of Congress Ask the Department of Justice to Investigate Network of Privately-Owned Juvenile Residential Facilities

Here are a series of letters from members of Congress and responses from the Department of Justice regarding the authority of the United States Department of Justice to investigate allegations of abuse and civil rights violations at facilities affiliated with the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs:

November 3, 2003
Letter from Congressman George Miller to Attorney General John Ashcroft

December 9, 2003
Response from William E. Moscehella, Assistant Attorney General

March 4, 2004
Letter from Congressman George Miller to Attorney General John Ashcroft

April 27, 2004
Response from William E. Moscehella, Assistant Attorney General

May 11, 2004
Letter from Congressmen George Miller and John Conyers to Attorney General John Ashcroft

September 20, 2004
Response from William E. Moscehella, Assistant Attorney General

Hon. George Miller Hon. John Conyers Hon. John Ashcroft