May 26, 2005

Ivy Ridge Academy Investigated By Attorney General

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The Ivy Ridge Academy in Ogdensburg is under investigation by the State Attorney General for issuing diplomas that are “essentially worthless”.

The Academy is not currently accredited by any agency or the State to issue diplomas. School officials told the Daily Courier in Ogdensburg that private, non-public schools such as the Academy are not required to hold accreditation to operate. School officials deny any wrongdoing and are working with the A.G.’s office to address concerns. The school has also agreed to suspend issuing diplomas until it obtains permission to issue State-approved ones.

Students currently enrolled are being asked to transfer credits earned there to their schools of origin. If the school accepts the credits from the Academy, they can be awarded a diploma from their home school.

St. Lawrence County District Attorney Gary Miles told the Daily Courier that the A.G.’s office has been in contact with him and expects to wrap up the investigation soon. The Academy has said it will comply with any conditions set by the A.G.’s office and the State Education Department.

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