
a quest for guardianship reform

PRESS RELEASE                                                  VIEW THE FILM BELOW

Documentary Film

Pursuit of Justice is a powerful documentary film that, by telling the stories of injustices to specific individuals, demonstrates the need for systemic reforms in adult guardianship and conservatorship systems in all 50 states.  It calls for state judicial proceedings to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and for the intervention of the U.S. Department of Justice when ADA violations occur. The film is intended to stimulate people with disabilities, seniors, and adults of all ages who care about civil rights, to join a growing network of individuals and organizations that are advocating for guardianship reform.

For information about this documentary film, click here

Speaker Availability

Throughout his 50-year career in civil rights advocacy, attorney Thomas F. Coleman has been described as "indefatigable" in his quest for justice for classes of people who have been historic targets of discrimination.  For several years now, that passion for justice has been focused on people with disabilities, seniors, and others whose rights are being violated in guardianship and conservatorship cases. The Pursuit of Justice tracks Coleman and other colleagues as their advocacy activities attract a growing network of activists to become involved in this pursuit of justice.

To learn about showing the film and having Mr. Coleman speak at your event, click here.



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Please be advised that this film contains images of Mikey that some
viewers may find disturbing.  The topic of abuse is never pleasant