Majestic Ranch:
A Living Nightmare for Kids


The following exceprts are taken from e-mails sent to Isabelle Zehnder by an employee with Child Protective Services in Utah.

“We actually have ex-staffers who are EAGER to assist in the investigation and are willing to testify...”

“I hope and pray that this investigation will be successful in exposing the horrid manner that these kids are being treated.”

“Somehow (by the grace of God)...she (staffer at Majestic Ranch) brought a truckload of valuable information. Too much to write about. She…will also be very instrumental in getting together the rest of the staff whom have left the ranch and want to expose the despicable way these children are being treated.”

“…we are doing all that we can to conduct an investigation that will result in shutting this place down…”

“If W.W. (Wayne Winder) just had a bunch of people walk off the job, it is very likely that he will be on "hyper alert" mode… important evidence (like the raw sewage thing, the nailed shut windows, the lack of smoke detectors, piles of dead animals etc.) could all be being fixed even as we plan our ambush.”

“There are 80+ kids over there living in hell who have no one to advocate for them. No one at all.”

“I am sickened by the way these kids are being systematically destroyed. Let us pray that this will be the time that we can shut them down.”

(Click here for the text of the two e-mails from which the excerpts were taken.)